Bridging the gap between your project and the Codes & Standards. EEC assists in navigating AHJ requirements, and provides expertise in compliance with product standards. Contact us to discuss your next project. Course information will be posted soon…

- What does it take to make a safe and compliant electrical installation?
- Where do I get the most up-to-date information on electric Codes and Standards?
- How do I get the correct information from the local inspector?
If you have ever asked yourself these above questions, Electrical Education Consultants can help you find the answers! Contact us to discuss your next project.
Our Services
- EEC provides electrical consulting to bring your project in on budget and in compliance with Code authorities.
- EEC can help you with building the foundation of electrical installation knowledge. Our programs are designed for your success!
- Our “Continuing Education” programs are built around the National Electric CodeĀ®, the International One and Two Family Dwelling CodeĀ®, and state amendments, (where applicable). Code Change and Code Related classes are designed for the professional electrician to keep their knowledge as current as possible.
- Our Consulting Services helps your project navigate codes, standards and jurisdiction requirements keeping your project in compliance and on time.
- Contact us to discuss your next project.